Infopulse at Davos 2019: Top 3 Insights & forecasts for 2020

Infopulse at Davos 2019: Top 3 lessons learned and forecasts for 2020 and beyond

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On January 22-25, 2019, Infopulse attended World Economic Forum 2019, an annual worldwide event conducted in Davos, Switzerland. The forum provided many important insights into the current worldwide economic and socio-political challenges on a global scale.

WEF is more than a regular conference focusing on the latest digital trends and technologies. Numerous discussion panels, key reports by the world’s top thought leaders, exciting late night social and networking events provide a clear and deep perspective on the worldwide problems. A platform for the global opportunities, initiatives and fresh ideas, Davos connects the best minds of the humanity: from the top government officials and business executives to civil society representatives, prominent influencers and famous celebrities, everyone united by the ultimate aim – make our world a better place.

At WEF 2019, Infopulse representatives conducted numerous meetings, took part in exciting discussions and side-events. To name a few, we were happy to be a part of the cybersecurity forum, where we presented Infopulse SCM solution for security and privacy compliance (ISO 27000 and GDPR), and the annual Swedish Lunch. However, networking was only of the second priority for Infopulse at WEF 2019.

Being a primarily technology-driven company, Infopulse has always aimed to provide added value to our clients and to the society we reside in. Through connecting and networking with the representatives of various industries, by becoming aware of the specific industry problems, we can utilize technology to find relevant solutions. However, we believe that technology can help us make a bigger impact on a larger scale, and in this respect, we are happy to share three top findings that we learned at WEF 2019:

  • Automation. Talks about automation have gone from mere reflections to the real implementation stage. Automation processes received an enormous boost with the development of the IT industry. Now, through next-gen technological solutions, automation is slowly spreading over to all other industries, disrupting almost each aspect of our lives. Everything we do, we see and we work with is going to be automated. Automation has already created numerous challenges in the way of the new talents training. These and other challenges are only the tip of the iceberg and our world has to be prepared to take the next steps. We can achieve more by developing a rightful automation strategy while paying attention to possible moral and ethical aspects.
  • Collaboration. Working together is very important for the future of our planet. United, we will need to face the global problems, which cannot and should not be tackled neither singlehandedly nor even on a national level. Automation will serve as an excellent tool to solve numerous planetary social and ecological issues, however making this world a better place for a living can only be achieved through a joint effort. Scattered attempts based on a limited vision will only allow the same issues repeat all over again. This is why, the new ideas and findings should be shared and worked on together.
  • Time. Time is our only true value that determines our future decisions. Now, the time for talks is over. Humanity requires real solutions for the global problems. It’s high time to let the words remain words – we already need to make things happening for real.
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WEF has shown us that the whole world, all industries, governments, and all the brightest minds of our planet have to work together to find solutions to the worldwide problems. We all need to understand clearly where we are standing, what our pitfalls are, and where we should head further – the sooner, the better. Infopulse is open to meeting with the like-minded organizations and individuals, who want to make an impact, tackle global problems, and contribute their efforts for the global benefit. Only together we will find proper solutions for the transnational problems. Only together we can make our world a better place.
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Jan Keil
Infopulse VP of Marketing

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