Better reporting with Power Apps for a tobacco company

Infopulse helps an MNC leave behind its legacy reporting system





Retail & E-Commerce



About the Customer:

BAT Ukraine is the first enterprise with foreign investments in the tobacco industry of Ukraine, which was founded in 1993 based on the Pryluky tobacco factory. The company is part of the BAT Group. Globally, the company has an extensive portfolio of iconic brands offered in more than 175 markets worldwide. Based on the net revenues generated in 2021, the company tops the list of global leaders in its niche.

Executive Summary

Goal: Streamline corporate reporting practices using automation and enhance multi-currency cash flow budgeting forecasts.

Solution: Role-based access control, business unit directory, currency lists, expense, and user categories.

Benefits: BAT Ukraine left behind an outdated reporting system, replacing the legacy practices with state-of-the-art Microsoft Power Apps solutions.

Services delivered: PCF-controller (Power Apps Component Framework) configuration, Microsoft Power Apps solution implementation, color-coding cash deviations features set-up, data collection process enhancement.


Business Challenge

Looking to change the approach to cashflow forecasting, BAT Ukraine planned to enhance corporate reporting processes through automation.

Each of the 15 existing business units (further – BU) was creating 20-month budgeting predictions of its cash flow in different currencies within set deadlines. The information from all BAT Ukraine departments was then consolidated in a single master data report. The client’s treasury manager would further compare planned and actual expense deviations and upload the report to the global cashflow system. 

Using the existing approach with an Excel and Outlook combination was time-consuming and inefficient. Thus, BAT Ukraine decided to test the waters with Microsoft Power Apps to find a better alternative.


Utilizing the multifold benefits of Microsoft Power Apps and the low-code approach, Infopulse created a BAT Ukraine business unit directory, currency lists, expense articles, and user categories. Beyond that, we implemented role-based access control to enable different levels of system access for regular users, admins, and treasury managers.

Our team configured PCF-controller (Power Apps Component Framework) to activate calendar-like data entries to match them with the existing look, create entries based on data input, and enable the users to see:

  • The unit they belong to structurally
  • Expense articles for a respective BU
  • The table of data input mirroring calendar

Next, we enabled an option to initiate the data collection process with a single button. On top of that, Infopulse added automated email alerts for responsible persons leading to a PCF control form. The alerts serve as reminders to fill in the reports for responsible team members. Additional alerts include messages from admins and BU heads to a team member who failed to fill in the report on time.  

To ensure that the user input is not overwritten, our engineers added the control feature for responsible persons to lock the records thus enabling control over the expense plans with an option to correct the latter if necessary.

Since the financial report is confidential, Infopulse set data privacy rules so that each BU can see only its entries with treasury managers and the Treasury BU team as exceptions. 

Another essential feature of the new system was color coding: the cashflow deviations typically fall into three categories of 5%, 10%, and 15%.  


Microsoft Power Apps Canvas
Power Automate flow
SharePoint Online to store data
Microsoft Outlook for alerts
React (PCF)

Business Value

As a result of collaboration with Infopulse, BAT Ukraine moved away from an outdated reporting system based on Microsoft Excel by opting for a robust Microsoft Power Apps solution:

  • A web-based app with intuitive and modern UI that allows users to easily shift from the legacy system
  • Role-based access and security control along with control over data overwriting to enable smooth process flow without the risk of data loss
  • Automated alert system to all the process stakeholders with deadline reminders to guarantee that users prepare master data for reporting on time
  • Clarification option in case of significant expense forecast deviations, which enables treasury managers to obtain additional information about extra expenditures.

Thus, BAT Ukraine received better control over its financial data management with the app rollout, enhancing existing reporting capabilities with more accurate and timely data insights.

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