Best Practices for Implementing Remote Work Solutions

Best Practices for Implementing Remote Work Solutions, Based on Microsoft Cloud Platform

The global pandemic forced businesses into an unplanned ‘work-from-home’ experiment that few knew how to supervise properly. As we are now emerging from the period of heavy lockdown measures, one thing becomes certain: remote work will be the ‘new normal’ for the long-term.

However, makeshift remote working practices and operational changes that most companies had to set up in a matter of days may not be viable for continuous hybrid or fully-remote operations.

In our new eBook, we suggest a streamlined framework for building a strong ‘mortar’ for fully remote operations on Microsoft Cloud Platform — a robust enterprise solution that enables companies to assemble a strong and secure cloud infrastructure and augment it with a growing suite of corporate apps, solutions, and services.

How Microsoft Cloud facilitates building resilient remote business operations:

  • Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams boost productivity and enhance collaboration
  • Power Apps empower citizen developers and cut the costs/timelines for new business apps by 2X
  • Azure Networking Solutions offer universal security for all distributed operations
  • Azure VDI enables instant access to on-premises infrastructure and applications
  • Azure Load Balancing solutions are a one-stop shop for managing and monitoring the security of your operations
  • Azure Sentinel and Azure Security Center provide advanced security monitoring for the entire infrastructure
  • Azure Backup and Site Recovery help ensure business continuity and streamline disaster recovery
  • Azure DevOps tools and services speed up the delivery of new software without compromising its quality

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